Philippine Islands
Philippine Islands, Mindoro, LST, Leyte, Lingayen Gulf, Luzon
We have gathered a collection of some of the best and most moving photos taken during the Second World War. They are from the National Archives in Washington D.C.
Please browse at your leisure. Meditate on the sacrifice given by these men and women in wartime.
This page is dedicated to pictures of the Philippine Islands in wartime
"The gun crews of a Navy cruiser covering American landing on the island of Mindoro, Dec. 15, 1944, scan the skies in an effort to identify a plane overhead. Two 5" (127mm) guns are ready while inboard 20mm anti-aircraft crews are ready to act." |
"A line of Coast Guard landing barges, sweeping through the waters of Lingayen Gulf, carries the first wave of invaders to the beaches of Luzon, after a terrific naval bombardment of Jap shore positions on Jan. 9, 1945." |
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"Gen. Douglas MacArthur wades ashore during initial landings at Leyte, P.I." October 1944. |
"Two Coast Guard-manned LST's open their great jaws in the surf that washes on Leyte Island beach, as soldiers strip down and build sandbag piers out to the ramps to speed up unloading operations." 1944 |
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