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Tongue Twister of the Day
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Joke of the Day:

Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?

Wise Saying of the Day:

The stingy are eager to get rich 
   and are unaware that poverty awaits them. 

Riddle of the Day:

What word becomes a palindrome when viewed upside down and backwards?

Tongue Twister of the Day:

When one black bug bled blue blood ,the other black bug bled blue blood

Cartoon of the Day:

(Used by permission)

Cartoon of the Day

Andertoons Cartoon of the Day:

(Used by permission)

Andertoons Cartoon of the Day

Funny Quote of the Day:

Today in History:

Important Events & Today in History by
Today in History by

Pun of the Day:

To the person who stole my Microsoft Office CDs: I will find you. You have my Word.

Siglet of the Moment

Noble deeds that are concealed are most esteemed.
Author: Blaise Pascal

Random Riddle of the day:

Word of the Day:

Word of the Day

Article of the Day:

Article of the Day

This Day in History:

This Day in History

Today's Birthday:

Today's Birthday

In the News:

In the News

Quote of the Day:

Quote of the Day

Spelling Bee:

Spelling Bee
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score: -
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Match Up:

Match Up
Match each word in the left column with its synonym on the right. When finished, click Answer to see the results. Good luck!


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