in the training level when you come up to the first red targets get to the top stair and hyper jump when you see the gun timedistort and land on the platform the gun is a flak cannon
Posted by: billy
when you come up to the first red targets hyperjump and you will see a green looking im not sure what it is because i havent got it
Posted by: billy
I can't figure out how to add a cheat, so I will just put it here: How to get free Machine Gun Ammo: When an enemy is almost dead, hyperjump and kill it while you are in the air, some people do it with grenades, but it works with any weapon. If you want to, you can try it on the little critters that walk around on the ground in lower levels. You only get 25 Ammo instead of the whole 100 you would if you picked up a clip, though.
Posted by: KrymsonKyng
Nice, for an extra challenge, try starting out on the last level and seeing how long you can live, personally, I start out at the beginning of the last area, and hoard all the ammo the best I can. Another tip: Flamethrower rocks. It takes out those bomb helis so fast, its insane, and once you start using it, they start dropping more for soem reason.
Posted by: ?
Pick Players/Cheats from the menu and type the following cheat codes in:
John Rambo Unlocks Bow and arrow.
Old Faithful Unlocks Chain gun
Its a Jackal Unlocks Sniper rifle
This is my boomstick Unlocks Double shotgun
Shrapnel Unlocks Flak Cannon
Follow the leader Unlocks Guided launcher
Moonshine Unlocks Drunken launcher
Gloop Unlocks Goo gun
9 Volt Unlocks Spark Plug
Australians all let us rejoice Unlocks Bladerang
Alpha Unlocks Laser rifle
Beta Unlocks Auto laser rifle
Gamma Unlocks Laser shotgun
I dont have time to bleed Unlocks Anytime
Call in artillery Unlocks Airstrike
Missile launch detected Unlocks A-Bomb Launcher
Bass in your face Unlocks Soundwaave
Wash away the rain Unlocks Black Hole Generator
Ive got jungle fever, shes got jungle fever Unlocks Amazon Jungle
Aint no mountain high enough Unlocks Canyon Lands
Who rides the wrecking ball Unlocks Zones 4 and 5
up up down down left right left right b a select start Unlocks All weapons
iopred Programmer message
DayDream Programmer message
Posted by: and a BIG thanks to bob jeff
On the training level, if you go through about half of the level, there is a wall that has a crack in it. Fire at it, and if you keep going left, you will get a "Chaingun" for the training level.
Posted by: gmon93
Pick Players/Cheats from the menu. Where it says "enter cheat code:" type in the following phrase:
You are the moon master
This will unlock all levels (Gorgatron repellant)
Posted by: anon
Unlock All Weapons. Go to player/cheats type up up down down left right left right b a select start. it should say all weapons unlocked